PCR Conditions

Department: Tech Support

Date: 16.08.2017 16:51:45

17.08.2017 10:55:29

Virusys - Scott Marsh:

The cycling parameters depend on the real-time PCR master mix that is used, not on the probe. Our kits contain only the probe/primer specific for the targeted gene, supplied at a 20X concentration. The cycling parameters will be given in the instructions included with the real time PCR master mix.
For example, in our lab we use the Life Technologies Taqman Gene Expression Master Mix (Part Number 4369016). The cycling parameters are supplied by Life Technologies/Thermo Scientific, and they are a 2 minutes 50°C incubation, 10 minute 95°C incubation, then 40 cycles of (95°C 15 seconds and 60°C 60 seconds)

Best Regards, Scott Marsh
Director of Research

16.08.2017 16:51:45

Anita McElroy:

I recently purchased your real time primer/probe mixes for EBV, CMV and VZV but the information included with the product does not provide the cycling conditions. Can you please provide these? Ie denaturation/anneal temps and times and cycle number (I assume 40).